The "must have" book for any single or soon-to-be-single father (or anyone involved with a single father), this slim, easy-to-read volume gets right to the point and tells you everything you need to know. Anne Mitchell is a nationally recognized fathers’ rights attorney and spokesperson, and was one of the first fathers’ rights lawyers in the country. She is the founder of DadsRights.org, and a leading advocate for children of divorce having a strong relationship with both parents, even in a social and legal climate that often seeks to reduce fathers to weekend “visitors”. The advice and information which was once only available to her clients is now available in this straight-forward, plain English, easy-to-read book. In addition to sections on parental alienation, parental kidnapping, and false allegations, Mitchell includes a section on how to shield your children from the fall-out from your divorce so that you can ensure that your children still have a happy, well-adjusted childhood, along with checklists for various issues you may encounter, and a directory of legal organizations and clinics in all 50 states. Please note that this is the 2nd Edition - The 1st Edition, along with reviews, can be seen by searching Amazon for "Surviving Divorce and Custody Issues: The Single Father's Guide". .
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