Civil Procedure: Cases and Problems [Connected Casebook] (Looseleaf) (Aspen Casebook)

Descriptions Civil Procedure: Cases and Problems [Connected Casebook] (Looseleaf) (Aspen Casebook) book

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Contemporary due process cases lead off Civil Procedure: Cases and Problems, creating a conceptual framework for understanding jurisdiction and procedural rules. Coverage of the social and economic issues underlying procedural reform focuses on women, minorities, and the financial constraints on access to the adversary system. The book s constitutional context sets the groundwork for advanced courses on Procedure and Federal Courts. Lightly edited classic cases promote analysis and preserve the language and subtlety of procedural jurisprudence. Major Supreme Court precedents are followed and complemented by up-to-date lower court decisions. Hypothetical problems open each chapter and may be used in a variety of ways, including as class simulations or practice exams in review sessions. Concise and focused notes echo the Socratic method and prompt deep consideration of important themes. An extensive Teacher s Manual provides resources for the new teacher and veteran instructor alike.

The completely updated Fifth Edition provides detailed coverage of the Supreme Court s transformation of pleading practice in Bell Atlantic and Iqbal, with analysis of its effect on lower courts and summaries of scholarly criticism. New rulings by the Supreme Court included cover personal jurisdiction, diversity jurisdiction, Erie doctrine, class actions, and arbitration. The Fifth Edition also provides extended coverage of new developments in scholarship: e-discovery, complex litigation, and alternative dispute resolution. References to important empirical studies on class actions, the new pleading standard, and access to counsel refresh the text. The state-of-the art Teacher s Manual has been enhanced and includes teachable notes for every principal case.

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