Facing foreclosure? Know your options!
Foreclosures climbed a record 81% in 2008, with over 860,000 families losing their homes. In 2009, an additional 3 million foreclosures are predicted as temporary postponements end and homeowners are increasingly incapable of paying the mortgage during this brutal recession.
If you're having trouble making your mortgage payments or are already in jeopardy of foreclosure, The Foreclosure Survival Guide compassionately gives you the practical information you need, step by step.
An essential tool for anyone at risk of foreclosure, The Foreclosure Survival Guide provides key information about:
The Foreclosure Survival Guide gathers all the information Attorney Stephen R. Elias has used to help hundreds of clients over 30 years of practicing law and shows you how to deal with foreclosure in your state.
The 3rd edition of the nation's bestselling book on foreclosure is updated with the latest information on federal legislation to help struggling homeowners and bank-implemented foreclosure-delay programs. Thorough and easy to understand, The Foreclosure Survival Guide can help you stay in your home or walk away with money in your pocket. .
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