Form a California nonprofit corporation
Tens of thousands of arts groups, educators, social service agencies, environmental groups and others have used this bestselling book to form their California nonprofit. Your group can, too.
Obtaining 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status has just become a lot easier with the new IRS Form 1023-EZ streamlined application. Use this book to form your California nonprofit corporation and obtain your federal and state tax exemptions. We provide step-by-step instructions for both the Form 1023 and the new easier Form 1023-EZ.
How to Form a Nonprofit Corporation in California shows you how to:
- choose a corporate name and structure
- prepare and file nonprofit articles with the state of California
- qualify as a 501(c)(3) public charity
- obtain your federal and California tax exemptions
- create bylaws
- set up a corporate records book
- prepare minutes of your first board meeting
- handle postincorporation filings and tasks.
This new 16th edition is completely updated to cover changes to the law.
Check out Nolo's list of California products. Not a California resident? Use How to Form a Nonprofit Corporation .
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